You were using your InvizBox Go with your usual location but now it isn't working anymore and the unit is flashing orange with a "Not Connected" message on your VPN network in the Administration Interface.
About updating
One important thing to notice is that your InvizBox Go checks for the current list of VPN servers twice per hour. This means that new servers will appear as they become available for you to use but also some servers will disappear from the list as they should no longer be used.
An other important fact is that the VPN Location on your Go is not automatically changed as a server is removed or fails i.e. if the Location you are using gets removed from the list, it will still be used by your Go until it comes back or fails.
VPN Location is no longer available
Each location corresponds to a physical server and it does happen for a server to go down for maintenance or even unexpected reasons.
As this happens, your VPN connection will start failing.
The simplest way to get around this is to select another VPN Location on your VPN network's page until you get a successful connection (your InvizBox Go Wi-Fi LED becomes green again).
If your initial failing Location was removed, it will disappear from the list after the next update. Otherwise, the server has most likely been restored to its functional state.
Multiple Locations not working
You are experiencing a VPN failure but selecting other servers in the same City or Country also seems to fail.
Try to select servers that are in another geographical location, if that works, let your InvizBox Go update until all Locations are updated at which stage you will be able to select that initial Location again.
If you want to force an update to speed up the process, you can check this article: "How to force an update on my Invizbox Go?"
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