If you want to use the InvizBox Go behind a captive portal (official name for a Wi-Fi page that asks you to log in or subscribe before you get access to the web), you need to proceed as follow:
- Start your InvizBox Go and access the Administration Interface
- Go to the Internet page (System - Internet)
- Select the network you wish to connect to from the list in the "WiFi Connection" section and if necessary enter the password for it (usually this is not needed as captive portal networks are Open networks)
- Once on the network, after about 10s, the InvizBox Go is going to turn its WiFi LEDs to a solid orange colour and a banner requesting you to log in to the network will be displayed at the top of the Administration Interface. In that state, the InvizBox Go will redirect any browsing to the captive portal which means that you will reach the login page as if you were accessing that network directly
- You then need to login/subscribe on the captive portal page as usual
- The InvizBox Go will then identify that it has full access to the Internet and connect to the VPN (in VPN mode) or to Tor (in Tor mode). It will subsequently turn its WiFi LEDs to a solid green colour (identifying a secure state) and allow all your traffic through as it would when using any non captive portal based network
There could be specific implementations of captive portal out there which require more access than the InvizBox Go is currently giving you (for security reasons). If you believe that you are facing such a scenario, do not hesitate to open a support request with us.
Sorry but I try the above and I still cannot get on the net. The first instruction is not clear. Am I logging on to the unsecure wireless network first? or on the InvizBox wireless network? I have tried either way and I do not ever get the message "Behing (sic) Captive Portal" on the InvizBox Status Page.
Maybe a YouTube video explaining it would be better... I don't know.
Hi Howard, thanks for your comment, I've updated the article to be clearer and fixed the typo. If you're still having issues, open a support ticket so we can look into it.
I've recently started doing videos and this is one of the subjects that I'm planning to cover soon.
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