Important: This firmware is only for the InvizBox 2 which is pictured below (black or white):
Thank you to all the users who got in touch with us over support and reported the issues they were having on our initial firmware release (0.0.35 to 0.0.38). This allowed us to put this first firmware update together. We have been focusing on issues that prevented normal use of the InvizBox 2. This update also includes a migration in our VPN provider partner to Windscribe. We will be adding more features as we go forward.
Changelog 01/10/2019:
- Changed our VPN partner from IPVanish to Windscribe to provide VPN to our InvizBox VPN users
- Consolidated the behaviour around the Reconnect pages
- Fixed an issue which lead to a situation where users where not able to edit/delete networks when they removed the initial VPN network
- Fixed an issue around changing timezone when there was a space in the value
- Fixed an issue which lead to displaying the wrong day of the month in System
- Fixed some pages which would load up without the required data being queried from the InvizBox 2 (incomplete content)
- Improved labelling on Devices by splitting connectivity and being blocked by filters
- Preventing the accidental blocking of devices by making editing clearer before saving on profiles pages
- Fixed a bug around the use of UTF-8 characters in SSID fields (Network name)
- Addressed some navigation issues which were sending the users to unexpected pages
- Fixed JavaScript issues on older versions of browsers (IE and Safari mostly)
- Fixed an issue where VPN credentials couldn't be changed when missing
- Changed the way Support articles are displayed for better readability
- Fixed some cases where "Remember me" would still prompt the user for password after a certain time
- Fixed some issues around DNS settings on devices not being taken from DHCP - all DNS requests are handled by the InvizBox 2 independently of settings on devices
Upgrade Instructions:
- Plug in your InvizBox 2, make sure it is connected and functional. Your device will update over the first hour of it being plugged in, at that stage a banner will be available in the Administration Interface for you to upgrade
- Click the banner which will bring you to the Firmware page. In there, the first section will be about update
- In that section, click "Install Update"
- Important: After having updated to 0.0.40, we strongly recommend that you reset your InvizBox 2 (simplest is to click on the reset card in the System section) after upgrade as some important configuration elements have changed
Shouldn't there be a link to the latest firmware in this article?
where is firmware for InvizBox 2 THIS IS RIDICULOUS
There are 7 versions of the firmware depending on which VPN service you are using. I would be confusing to have them listed here for downloading. Your InvizBox 2 already downloads the correct one and makes it available for you to update to in the Administration Interface (and flashes the information LED when an update is available). See Upgrade Instructions at the bottom of the release notes.
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