Important: This firmware is only for the InvizBox Go which is pictured below:
File Hashes:
- MD5sum checksum: 4fb131bebf47b54ffb59962d3276612f
- sha256sum checksum: c425dd86ceeb161706e9e5f2a30f997622cc36eeca6d5fda5077402312caec72
Changelog: 25/09/2017
- Simplify Wizard to only one page i.e. Choose Network
- Change the wording around the Account Details, Hotspot and Choose Network pages
- Update Tor version to
- Added the MAC address to the Status page
- Change the package updating so that it runs all opkg updates at once
- Fixed an issue where LEDs would be flashing when on first boot instead of going red
- Improved logging on Update Log page
- Changed the validation for VPN Username to account for new format
Upgrade Instructions:
- Download the file linked below
- Follow these instructions carefully
Important Notes:
- It is recommended that you only upgrade to that firmware if your InvizBox Go is already running version 2.1.1 or above (that should have happened from the auto-updates). If this isn't the case, once you've flashed this firmware, follow the steps here once to flash your VPN credentials to your InvizBox Go permanent memory in order to have a fully working simplified wizard.
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