You should be following these steps for the following reasons:
- You've upgraded your firmware to a version > 2.1.1 and your VPN credentials were not picked up after running the wizard
- You're in the process of changing VPN credentials and want to persist the new ones on the device (in case of reset/flashing being performed in the future)
- You will need a FAT or FAT32 (or ext4) formatted USB drive and a pin/paper clip to complete the following steps.
Here are the steps to flash your VPN credentials onto your InvizBox Go:
- Make sure you're running version 2.1.1 or above (Status page)
- Plug your USB key into your computer and create a new file on it called "vpn_credentials.txt" (using your favourite editor)
- In that file, write your VPN username and VPN password on the same line, separated by a space (see Notes) and save the file
- Eject the USB drive from your computer
- Turn on your InvizBox Go and wait for it to boot fully (that should take about 20 seconds)
- Once the LED lights are not changing colour (doesn't matter which colour and whether they're flashing or not), insert the USB key with the VPN credentials file
- The WiFi led will then change to a fast and short flashing red - Important: if this doesn't happen - you need to upgrade your firmware first - see Notes below
- Remove the USB key
- Reset the InvizBox Go using the pin/paper clip by inserting it in the "reset" labelled opening on the side of the device and keeping it pressed for 10 seconds
- The InvizBox Go will reboot and use the new VPN credentials that you've just set.
We've created a video to show you the steps from above: InvizBox Go - Flash VPN Credentials
- This procedure only works from our firmware version 2.1.1 and above. So, if during step 6 above, nothing happens i.e. no short green flashing lights, that means you're running an older firmware and need to upgrade that first. To do so: follow the instructions from this page and then go through the procedure above a second time.
- The file should contain one line looking like this without the quotes: "my_identifier@invizbox myVPNpassword"
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